Unlock the secret
to a stronger and healthier penis
with Xgene® Premium powered by Tongkat Ali.
health care and maximum performance.

What is Xgene® Premium?
Xgene® Premium is a men’s care cream designed to achieve optimum penis health and performance. It is formulated using powerful active bioingredient called Eurycoma Longifolia, also known as Tongkat Ali. Clinically proven to solve Premature Ejaculation problem among men and help achieve and sustain firm erection over a sustained period.

Malaysian Tongkat Ali (Eurychoma Longifolia)

Hand-picked from the fertile soil of Malaysian Rainforest
Prevention is better than cure
Effect of poor penis care
- Poor hygiene leads to build up of smegma which produces foul smell and can lead to infection.
- Risk of catching Balanitis, which is the inflamation of the penis glans.
- Severe inflammation can lead to reduced sperm count and quality, and eventually impotency.
- Poor penis care can also lead to Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
- Chronic irritation can potentially lead to reduced sensitivity and reduced sexual pleasures over time.
- Psychologically impacts men. Neglecting penis health may cause men to experience anxiety, self-consciousness or negative body image, which can affect their sexual confidence and overall well-being.

Xgene® Premium benefits
- Overcome Premature Ejaculation
2. Prevention Method For Potential Erectile Dysfunction
3. Expand penile tissue
4. Prohibiting bacterial growth and potential infections and diseases

5. Fresh and smooth skin
6. Increase awareness in men on penis care and maintenance
7. Increase sperm count
8. Increase Blood Flow & Invigorates Penile Nerve And Veins
Xgene® Premium is for Men who
Unable to control ejaculation
Unable to maintain an erection over a sustained period
Prevent potential Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Dr Ismail Tambi biodata summary
Product Creator & formulator
- The only Andrologist in Malaysia. Andrologist is the name for the medical specialty that deals with male health, particularly relating to the problems of the male reproductive system and urological problems that are unique to men.
- More than 30 years experience in Andrology and treating men’s sexual problems.
- Member of European Academy of Andrology (EAA), the only person is South East Asia to obtain this.
- Executive committee for Society for the Study of Aging Male (Geneva, Switzerland)
- Member of International Society of Andrology (USA)
Member of the International Society of Impotence and Sexuality (USA) - Member of the International Society for the Study of Men’s Health (Vienna, Austria)
- External Research Fellow New England Research Institutes (Boston, USA) and Expert panel for Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and ED researcher.
How to use xgene premium ?
The positive effects of Xgene® Premium can be seen in 7 to 14 days, depending on
Age Factor
Health Status
Consistent Application
Xgene® uses traditional herbs which is clinical tested
and proven for maximum benefits
Clinical tests and Scientific evidence

Clinically tested and proven with zero side effects.

Tested by Dr Ismail tambi himself and ensures Xgene® is 100% and no side effects to the genital organs

100% no drugs or poison in Xgene® cream.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there any side effects of applying Xgene® Premium on genital part
No, there is no side effects as all the ingredients are organic and natural
How long until positive changes can be seen on the genitals?
In 7 to 14 days depending on lifestyle and consistent application
How often to apply Xgene® Premium cream?
Twice a day, preferably after shower
Should the genitals be washed after applying the cream?
No. Its naturally absorb into the genital skin
How long can 1 bottle last
1 bottle can last up to a month if applied twice a day.
Who can use this cream
Any men can use this cream for the desire to maintain a healthy and strong penis